Invisible Cities – Section drawings
This drawings belong to a work developed in my Master Thesies in Architecture entitled “The section drawing: an operational tool in Architecture” From the abstract: (…) The speech implied in a section is build from the author’s critical subjectivity providing, at the same time, a specific reading to the reader. However, the section may be perceived as a simultaneous process of search, query and catalyst of ideas, acting as reflection medium, thought and imagination and not only as a result.(…) Given the concern about the city as a place of interaction between different scales and constraints, and the need for a fiction that allows the best exploration of the section narrative capabilities, the book “Invisible Cities” by Italo Calvino (2011) was selected as the case study. From the fifty-five cities narrated, five are selected as a basis work where a number of sections is designed with the purpose to experiment their discursive, procedural and imaginative capacity, as a project tool. (…)
Outubro 31, 2013